Counselling Testimonials
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Young Mom:
"I am a 30 year old wife of 7 years and mother of two daughters (age 3 1/2 and 1). My husband works full time allowing me to be home to take care of daughters so I spend me days making endless meals, changing diapers, doing laundry, running errands etc.
I started receiving counselling services about 6 months ago initially to help me to deal with anxiety and powerlessness I have felt for the past 10 years with regard to my dad.
Prior to seeing Glenn I had not seen or talked to my dad in 7 years and any thought of him would throw me into a tailspin of anxiety. After many emotionally painful and difficult sessions I have been able to reach a point where I am no longer scared and anxious about my dad but instead feel in control of me.
After this I was then able to talk with Glenn about other family relationships -- with my mom, and with my siblings. I have had some amazing breakthroughs that have allowed me to see and understand the why for my behavior towards them and to accept responsibility and to make changes going forward.
Within the last month I have been able to meet with both my mom, and then with all of my siblings to express what I've learned, my real feelings and to make apologies in order to begin to have better and more healthy relationships.
Most recently I have been talking to Glenn about parenting strategies. My 3 1/2 year old daughter is difficult and can be defiant at times. I have struggled with her since birth and have developed quite a few negative feelings about myself and about her.
I am just starting to understand the expectations that I have put on myself have made it almost impossible for me to succeed and feel value as a mother. I am learning the things for which I am responsible and for which I have control and how I can have positive influence on her.
Speaking of my experiences and feelings has not been easy. I've worked hard to uncover feelings. It has also been difficult to accept things about myself that I've done in the past that I don't like. Today after 6 months of counselling II truly feel like a stronger, more confident and happier version of me.
Please accept my deepest and most sincere gratitude for your donations which have in part made it possible for me to receive counselling. Many thanks."